A Logical Argument to Embrace Hardship over Comfort

A Logical Argument to Embrace Hardship over Comfort

Sometimes I wake up and wish life was easier.   Then, I remind myself that I’m just not at that easy point in life yet.  I could have an easy life if I accepted my circumstances as is.  I could avoid change at all cost and live a life without rocking the boat.

However, this is not what I want right now.  What’s more, “easy” is something I should probably never want, even when I get old.  There is a logical argument on why we should all embrace hardship as a matter of being our best selves.

Why Embrace Hardship?

This argument is one that is made in a highly informative and thought provoking article titled The Comfort Trap.  The premise of this article is that for most of human existence we have used innovation as a means to make our lives easier.  Yet, in spite of all of our innovations over the last 10,000 plus years, humans still face more complex problems than ever.  Examples the author provide include:

…The internet was created to make it easier to store and retrieve information, yet it has created the safety risks of data privacy breaches, identity theft, cyber bullying, online predators, inappropriate content for children and online addictions…

…The modern office was created to make it easier for workers to stay productive, yet employees spend the majority of their workday sat on a chair, slouched over a desk in front of a computer, increasing the risks of obesity, heart diseases and brain damage.

As you can see, creating ease and comfort has side effects.  When it comes to individuals, that side effect is a life with unfulfilled potential and bad health.

i.e. the movie WALL-E

As stated in The Comfort Trap:

In everyday life we’re faced with the decision to either embrace hardship or avoid it…

…And whilst the easier choices are convenient and save time in the short-term, the harder ones save more time and create more rewarding benefits over the long run…embracing hardship and unpleasant experiences today, instead of pursuing easier ones, will lead to a better life tomorrow.

This author is spot on.  I suggest you check this article out for yourself and find a way to embrace the hardships of life.

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