The Mindset of “Why” vs “What” when Dealing with Problems and Solutions

The Mindset of “Why” vs “What” when Dealing with Problems and Solutions

More often than not, it’s not beneficial to debate the “why” for a problem and solution if the other person is thinking only about the “what”. These two mindsets of dealing with problems and solutions don’t tend to go well together. However, you can learn a lot about a person’s motivations by understanding which path they prefer to focus on.

In my experience, people who have a mindset that leans towards focusing on the “what” aren’t interested in solving the problem. Instead, their mindset is on finding a short term band-aid using tactics. On the other hand, those who focus on the “why” are thinking more long term. “Why” people prefer to dig in and solve a problem once and for all using a sound strategy.

Sometimes a “what” mindset is necessary. Particularly in tactical situations that require a cookie cutter solution. However, relying on band-aids can be dangerous in the wrong situation. Band-aids literally can do more harm than good if the laceration is deep and you don’t clean and treat the wound first. Furthermore, using a band-aid to cover a poisonous snake bite won’t do anything to help at all. But i digress…

In short, the bottom line comes down to intent. The next time you’re debating problems and solutions with anyone, listen for that intent. Progress in the conversation won’t be made if you are suggesting apples when the other person thinks the solution requires fried chicken.

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