Positivity is a Talent That Doesn’t Come Naturally to Everyone

Positivity is a Talent That Doesn’t Come Naturally to Everyone

A couple days ago I wrote an article explaining why positivity is not the opposite of negativity. This sparked more debate than I expected among a few of my friends and colleagues. The basis for my premise in this article was a concept called neutral thinking. I first discovered this concept studying Russell Wilson’s mental conditioning coach Trevor Moawad.

The countering thought that was made to neutral thinking is that it’s possible to see positivity in everything, even undesirable situations. However, what many fail to realize is that the ability to think positive is a personality trait / talent. If you are strong in the positivity trait, by all means think positive. For all others who don’t have the positivity trait, don’t try to fake it. Instead, focus on mastering the art of neutral thinking.

The point of neutral thinking is not that thinking neutral is better than thinking positive. The point is that the absence of negativity is the goal because negativity is not helpful in any situation. So if positivity is not one of your strengths, then the next best thing for you is to learn how to think neutral.

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