Failure is Not a Bad Word

Failure is Not a Bad Word

Anyone in pursuit of a difficult goal is going to face failure along their journey. There are no ifs, ands, or buts about it. If failure is not part of the process, then your goals aren’t big enough.

With that said, I often hear people say things like there’s no such thing as failure, there’s only learning. While this makes for a good sound bite, the reality is that failure is real.

There are times in life when you prepare your hardest as well as give your best effort and still don’t achieve a goal. What’s more, it may be a one shot deal with no second chances and no middle ground. Yes, you may learn from the experience, but a failure by any other name is still a failure.

The fact of the matter is that failure is not a bad word and failure is not something we should avoid. To fail is to be human. Without it, life wouldn’t be very interesting.

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