Investing in Yourself – Not So Common Sense

Investing in Yourself – Not So Common Sense

Investing in yourself sounds like common sense.  However, common sense is not so common.

I meet people all the time who want to go from making 50k a year to a 6 figure income or who want to start and run a million dollar business.  These same people aren’t willing to invest $2,000 to hire an executive coach or an expert marketing professional to help them.  They will spend $2,000 for a vacation, but not to invest in their own future.

Investing in yourself is not only a financial commitment – it’s a work commitment

I’m not proud to admit that this was my mindset as recently as last year.  I suffer from dipping into and out of this mindset every so often to my detriment.  The key thing I now realize is that when I’m afraid to invest in myself when I know better, I’m really telling myself that I’m afraid of the work that will come with that investment.

Investing in yourself removes all the excuses.  An executive or marketing coach will help you create your strategy, remove roadblocks, and serve as an accountability partner during execution.  If you fail to do what it takes after all that, you have no one to blame but yourself.  That can be scary.

It’s easy to blame things you can’t control for your lack of progress.  It feels good to remove that guilt from your conscience when you’re stuck.  However, it’s also liberating to break the chains of giving away your power.  Once you accept that you are the master of your universe and only focus on what you can control, investing in yourself becomes a no brainier.

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