From Blog to Book

From Blog to Book

Exactly 22 days ago, I made a commitment that I would blog everyday.  This is the third time I’ve made this commitment.  The first time, I got to 45 blog post in a row before I stopped.  The second time, I got to 73 blog post in a row before I stopped.  My goal this time is simply to beat my previous record and get to 74 inspiring and insightful post in a row.

So what’s the point?

I believe the best reason to take on the task of writing daily is to become a better writer.  If you are like me, a person who is not a writer by trade and hasn’t yet published a book (but aspires to), the only way to become a better writer is to write. Every. Single. Day.

If you write everyday, you have 365 days a year to practice.  If you write every week, you are down to 52 chances to practice.  If you write monthly, you now only have 12 practice days.

I am living proof that you can’t become a better writer practicing 52 times a year, let alone 12.

If you are like me and your goal is to one day publish a book that doesn’t suck, then your easiest path to success is to write daily.  No one will read what you write for the most part, but that doesn’t matter when you start.

If you stay consistent, you will find your voice.  Once you find your voice, your writing will improve.  Once your writing improves, people will start reading what you write.  If you can inspire the people who read what you write, they will share it and subscribe to your email updates.  If you maintain trust by only sending them email updates that are relevant, interesting, and generous, your audience will grow.  Then, once you are ready to write your first book, you will be able to sell it before you even finish it.

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